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1 (855) 929-4562

Find Your Dream Job in Within 60 days or less.

If you’re serious about finding your next job, use Volt to accelerate your job search. Get started today!

What we do

Unlike traditional recruiters or staffing agencies who work with companies to fill positions and profit off comissions. You're not their top priority because they'll pick other candidates over you to fill a position faster to earn a commissions. This is why only 5% of job seekers who submit their resume to staffing agencies and recruiters get placed.

This is why we started Volt, we're a technology company that tracks thousands of job listings across the web, we help our users actively find jobs, by applying and following up with employers automatically on your behalf. Our goal is to find you a job, not earn a commission.

Tell us what you’re looking for

Upload your resume and set your job preferences by location, industry, experience, salary and more

Tell us your schedule

Set your availability by day and time so we know when to schedule your potential interviews

Job Applications

Get email notifications as we help you apply for jobs that meets your requirements. You can also view them in the Volt dashboard.

Secured Interviews

View your scheduled interviews in the Volt dashboard. Get real-time email notifications.

Resume Writing

If your resume is not created with the ATS in mind, it may prevent you from securing callbacks and interviews for jobs. We help make your resume more effective.

Interview Coaching

An interview coach can prepare you for a variety of interview scenarios by taking you through multiple types of interviews.

One-time fee until you're hired!

You pay for results, you won't be billed a success fee when we've helped you secured a job

No monthly fees

 No hidden fees 

 No cancellation fees. 

 100% money back guarantee