
Restaurant Manager

Posted on Apr 21

Casa Di Moni Café And Gelato

Ottawa, ON

Other benefits

Learning/training paid by employer; Team building opportunities

Financial benefits Bonus; Gratuities

Specific Skills

Address customers' complaints or concerns; Recruit, train and supervise staff; Participate in marketing plans and implementation; Negotiate with clients for catering or use of facilities; Monitor revenues and modify procedures and prices; Ensure health and safety regulations are followed; Develop, implement and analyze budgets; Provide customer service; Negotiate arrangements with suppliers for food and other supplies; Set staff work schedules and monitor staff performance; Determine type of services to be offered and implement operational procedures; Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate daily operations

Financial benefits

Learning/training paid by employer, Team building opportunities

Other benefits

This employer has selected to promote this job through "Jobs for Ukraine”.

Program description:

Program title Jobs for Ukraine

Experience 5 years or more

Education College/CEGEPor equivalent experience

Languages English or French

Interview for this position